Thursday, November 5, 2015

Fun With Leggings

I am not afraid to make a statement with my outfits. Every outfit that I wear represents who I am in someway. This week is me showing that I am a truly child at heart at the age of twenty-two.

I am a huge Disney fanatic. I can proudly say that I have all the classic Disney movies  that are still working as video cassettes. I love having fun with my clothes. Plus I own so many clothes that have Disney characters that it might be considered embarrassing for someone my age, but I don't care. I loved my childhood that was filled with some of the best movies and there is nothing wrong with that.

Out of many of the Disney clothing articles that I own, my Lion King leggings are one of my favorites. The pattern of the sky, stars and how Simba wraps around both legs is unique and creative.

In the photo I am wearing:
Excuse my excited self, I was having a little too much fun taking pictures of this outfit.
 I guess you could say this is my inner child acting out.

  • Black Long Sleeve Shirt
  • The Lion King Leggings
  • Black-Spiked Combat Boots
  • Silver Jewelry
 When wearing an article of clothing that is really bright and bold, it is important to let that article of clothing speak for itself. Do not dull its sparkle with more color. For this outfit I chose to wear a black shirt and shoes so that the leggings would stand out. 

I personally feel that people are afraid to step out of their comfort zone and wear patterned leggings. All I can say is that by owning patterned leggings they can increase your wardrobe and allow you to represent another side of yourself in a unique way.

Want to know more about funky patterned leggings and how to wear them? Check out this article written by Steff Green who gives you the basic rules for all leggings and then some for patterned ones!

**In the past few weeks I have covered a lot of outfits for both males and females. If there is something that you would like to see or want to make a suggestion, leave a comment below and I'll check it out! Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you kept the shirt plan. It looks nice.
    I notices a few errors so just be sure to proof read before Sunday.
