Monday, November 2, 2015

A Hat Is Not Just A Hat...

I know I am not the only girl that gets up in the morning and thinks, "what am I going to do with this hair today?"

I do not like spending a lot of time getting ready at anytime of the day, let alone in the morning. I will take all the extra time I can to sleep, however it is still important to care about your appearance because you never know who you are join go run into.

I enjoy wearing hats because it allows me to express another side of me that many do not get to see. I love the outdoors. Any free time I get I am usually outside fishing or hiking just to get a break from all of the craziness going on in my life.

When I am tired and not in the mood to do my hair, hats are my go-to quick fix. I wear hats to class, shopping, and going out with friends too. As long as the hat you chose compliments your outfit, you will be good to go!

In this photo I am wearing:
  • Brown Long-Sleeve Shirt
  • Black Vest with Blue Undertone
  • Black Leggings
  • Brown and White Hiking Socks
  • Black Boots
  • Tan Penn State Fly Fishing Baseball Hat

I personally love rocking a hat with my hair down or with a pony tail. If you're interested in seeing more ways to wear hats you can check out this link that can give great examples of how to style your hair with a hat in 9 different ways!

A hat is not just a hat. A hat is the expression of a woman's soul.
-Lily Doche


  1. I like the quote you included. I don't like hats on myself but think other people look good in them

  2. I like the quote you included. I don't like hats on myself but think other people look good in them
